In the last couple years Bulgaria has been ranked among the most attractive outsourcing destinations in the world.

Access to qualified workforce in Bulgaria

  • Availability of highly skilled untapped talent in different areas, multilingual (about 95 % of the high school students study a foreign language like English, German, Spanish, Russian) and over 70% study a second language. With that being said, more than 55 000 students annually graduate the universities in Bulgaria).

Competitive labor cost

  • Bulgaria has the most competitive costs of labor in EU
  • For 2013 the average salary in the public sector in Bulgaria was 833 BGN or 425 Euro
  • For 2013 the average salary in the private sector in Bulgaria was 788 BGN or 402 Euro

The most favorable tax rates in EU

  • The income tax rate in Bulgaria is 10 % , which is the lowest income tax rate in EU
  • The Personal income tax in Bulgaria is 10 % (flat rate)
  • 0 % tax rates in the high-unemployment regions in Bulgaria

Other cost savings for doing business in Bulgaria

  • Very attractive prices for renting offices and buildings
  • Lower prices for utilities, compared to the rest of Europe

Bulgaria has political and economic stability

  • Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, NATO and WTO
  • Yearly inflation rate - 3.6% (2013)
  • Unemployment rate - 11.8% (2013)
  • GDP (yearly change rate in %) - 0.9 % (2013)
  • Government debt 18.9% of GDP (2013), which is one of the lowest in EU
  • Stable currency rate and no currency risk. BGN / Euro rate is 1.96. This rate is fixed.

Bulgaria has a strategic location and good infrastructure

  • Bulgaria is a kind of bridge between Europe and Asia
  • Good infrastructure: airports in Sofia, Plovdiv, Bourgas and Varna, main seaports: Varna and Bourgas and ports at the DanubeRiver
  • Through Bulgaria are passing 5 Pan-European corridors ( IV, VII, VII, XI, X)
  • Bulgaria is part of the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) - an international transport program, involving the EU and 14 memberStates of the Eastern European, Caucasian and Central Asian region

Beneficial Import/export regulations

  • Bulgaria is a member of EU and has zero tariff market within the EU region
  • Bulgaria has zero tariff market with Turkey